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Reset My Future respects the privacy and anonymity of all of our clients. The images we use are not real, but the words are.



I was undoubtedly at a crossroads in life, including dangerous substance abuse. I could have stayed on the path I was on, leading to ultimate self-destruction and neglect to those around me, including kids. Instead, and undoubtedly due to Reset My Future and Graeme in no small part, I'm mentally and physically in the best shape of my adult life. 


Graeme's knowledge of substances along with his extensive life experience and skill set helped me reset my life beyond all expectations

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The impact of the program was instant. It changes your way of thinking and looks at so many parts of your life. The first 6 weeks were so important- the modules keep me on-top of my commitments and the daily calls were invaluable. I’ve done a heap of learning about myself , my addiction , how to put plans in place when going out, realising it’s not the end, and how we can fight back and get ourselves back as individuals first .


When I have staff at work notice the change in me and comment, one knows the education from the program has been effective. I still have a road ahead that will no doubt challenge me due to my corporate life , but what I can say is I’m excited by the future- I’m excited about not having drugs in my life , and I’m excited by the person I’m becoming again.


Thanks for being there when I had no one and needed someone.


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I am more confident in who I am as a person and in my day to day life and relationships. My anxiety has pretty much gone and my home environment has drastically improved. I love the new me and I could not have done it without this program. It showed me another way and it taught me not to be ruled by my past to learn from my mistakes and to move on each and every day. I will be forever grateful that I made the call that day and that Graeme took me on. 

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For me to enter the program was initially a big step as I was out of my comfort zone. I was apprehensive and was not looking forward to it. As soon as I had the first session with GraemeI felt that I could connect with him very easily.


I feel that I'm now a much better person, husband, father and work colleague - more reliable and consistent. I've implemented a mental toughness program and remain focused and disciplined.


I'm happy, and my family are happy.




Graeme Alford is an inspiring person, his life story is a triumph over adversity like no other. However, the most amazing thing that Graeme has done is to not only learn from his own mistakes but to craft a proven series of programs that give other people the tools they need to overcome their personal challenges. Reset My Future & 21 Renew can change your life - don't hesitate to reach out to Graeme, if you think you need his help, you are probably right. You won't regret it.


Graeme's consistent support and guidance have been instrumental in aiding my family member through multiple challenging periods. Over a span of 2.5 years, his dedication and ongoing communication have been invaluable.


Graeme's remarkable patience, wisdom, and compassion have played a pivotal role in our loved one's journey to recovery. Thanks to Reset My Future, our family member has reclaimed stability in both personal and professional aspects of life, including the restoration of relationships and successful business endeavors. We are profoundly grateful to Graeme and his team for their transformative impact.


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Thanks again for the assistance with your program over the last twelve weeks, it was invaluable for me.


I found that it was structured in a way that got me to think differently about a lot of things and really made sense to me in the end, whilst not overwhelming me with too much content at once.


The different exercises kept me thinking and engaged throughout the process. The different Modules also reinforced Life Values that can easily be neglected as we move through Life but are still current and need to be respected.


In my case I believe that it was more a Mental change I required and the course has certainly achieved that. 


I appreciate the help, advice, and your understanding of certain situations through your previous experiences, good luck with your future clients and I will not hesitate to recommend your program to others.


The change that I’ve experienced is, upon reflection, difficult to comprehend. I struggle to imagine what was going through my mind in those days. It feels like a lifetime ago and whilst it will always be a dark part of my history it often feels like it wasn’t me at all.


The level of focus I’ve been able to achieve these past 6 months is something I value dearly. The clarity that I have now allows me to make good decisions and make them swiftly. I am starting to amass colleagues and associates who, not only respect me, but also back me both with their time and their money.


My relationship with my wife is a stark contrast to what it was 6 months ago, and my relationship with my children is nothing but strong- I love them so dearly.


This program has completely shifted my perspective on life. I have come to enjoy my journalling and find myself missing it when I don’t do it.


I am finding my skills & fitness developing at a rate of knots in my boxing class and I attribute that to my clarity, my better diet, my drinking less but most of all by staying clean!


When I came to this program, I had a business & family that were both on the edge, starving for my attention. I had not much money to my name, a big creditors ledger, no properties in my name and I was on the verge of losing everything I worked towards since I began my career.


I now have such a happy family, 3 properties with good debt to asset ratio and a thriving business with more work coming in than it has ever seen! 


I am eternally grateful to my past self for picking up the phone, owning up to my problems, and finding Graeme & Reset My Future!


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The benefits from the "Reset My Future" program were immediate and enduring. The program feels personal and individually tailored. It stretched and challenged me in a highly positive way.

The program led quickly to genuine and productive change. It has taught me to seek activity outside of my comfort zone, which has allowed me to build positive momentum in my life. I now plan ahead, I set goals, I have greater perspective on the challenges I confront, and it has taught me the immense power of a positive attitude.

I have also come to realise the strength and benefit of surrounding myself with positive, quality people. I didn't notice at the time but the program directed my thinking forward and and into a more productive place. (Rather than getting caught in my own head)

If positive change is what you need, this program is for you.

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The "Reset My Future" program was a life changing experience for me. Graeme Alford's ability to connect and understand my circumstances, provide detailed and rational advice, and be there to support me through the program was something I can never be thankful enough for. Not only has my physical and mental health improved dramatically, but he has given me the tools to continue on my journey, and the confidence that my life will be full of success, happiness and enjoyment.




I have seen that the program has taught him a new way of living both personally and professionally.  He now enjoys being at home and spending time with us, and he really enjoys seeing his friends. I think the friendships he has with them are also different and evolved into a deeper and more meaningful bond. He is now "with us" when he is around us and often hugs me before he goes to work which is so lovely as he has never been someone who does that.


His commitment to his routines and physical exercise is also so good to see- he was always interested in health and exercise and it's the one thing I saw deteriorate in the early days. I often tell him how well he looks- because its true !... those sparkling blue eyes say it all!!!


I think professionally he has really stepped up to the mark.  The pressure of work has pushed him many times and there have been times when I have worried that it was too much for him and that he might relapse- however I am glad I was proven wrong, and it's only because of what he has learned from you that this has happened. 


He has expressed his concern that he is coming to the end of his 12 weeks, and that he is feeling "sad" that it is finishing. He really enjoyed completing the modules and scheduled catch-ups with you and he often said "They just get me!.


Finally, we wish to thank you Graeme and the team for all you have done for him in the past 3 months, and in turn for us as parents. We started with little knowledge about substance abuse and have learned a lot about ourselves as a family unit.

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Thank you for all the support throughout the program and for being understanding of the hardships faced when battling addiction.


I'm grateful for the strategies the program has provided me and the way it has transformed my future. I'm looking forward to a more positive future with my family.


Thank you Reset My Future for everything you have done!


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The Reset My Future program has drastically changed my life. The program has taught me life and business skills that I know I will continue to use throughout my life.


Some of those include;

- tricks and tips on how to beat cravings and urges of substances

- a clear breakdown and understanding of all the damage caused by using and abusing substances

- how to see things differently and look at life from a positive perspective

- it has taught me to be humble, happy and grateful

- given me personal and business goals to work towards

- and most importantly, the program has had the most profound impact on my self-worth, morals and values.


I started the program wanting to “prevent” myself from “developing” a drink and drug issue, not seeing or admitting I already had one. I am now so grateful for being open to giving this program a shot, as it has honestly turned my life in a completely different direction.


Not only can I now see it for myself, but I am constantly reminded by everyone around me how much I have changed in 12 weeks. I never believed the Reset My Future program would impact me the way it has, I honestly didn't.


- Money I have and will continue to save is ridiculous.

- I get out of bed every day feeling whole and motivated.

- My physical health and appearance have improved drastically.

- I now have a different direction and vision in my personal and business life.

- I'm confident again, I feel sharp and constantly on the ball.

- I now spend quality time with my daughter and Family.

- My reputation in my personal and business life has drastically increased.

- I have learned to handle being under pressure in an efficient and effective way.


I never understood how consuming drugs and alcohol really impacted my life. My outlook has changed and I feel like a completely different person. I now look at drugs and alcohol as a massive burden to my life. The amount of momentum this program has helped me gain is phenomenal. I have achieved so much over the last 12 weeks and I am super grateful for all of the teams' help and support.

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Firstly I would like to say thank you for guiding, teaching, and helping [name witheld] make big changes over the past 3 months. 


These are some of the changes I have noticed clearly in him… 


- He is definitely more present than he has ever been before. 

- He is no longer selling himself short, by this I mean, he is showing his amazing abilities and intelligence every day at work, rather than just some days. 

- He is valuing his family more and the time he spends with them.

- I am finally starting to trust him and I no longer have to worry as much I as used to. 

- I can see him finding enjoyment in the little things again, this makes me most happy when I see him finding joy in walking the dog, being at home, spending time with his parents, watching a movie with me etc. 


I believe he has put a lot of effort and thought into these past 3 months, he has proved to me that he really wanted to change for the better. I am happy he has made these changes, not for me, but for himself because he deserves this. Thank You Reset My Future!




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